Restaurant above the clouds in Japan

Ouncai balcony located in the resort island of Hokkaido Japanese Tomamo a unique platform as above the top of a mountain above the clouds, and offer tourists spectacular views of the Sea of White Cloud.
Ouncai which means (Sea of ​​clouds) are more attractive to tourists attractions in the town for several years. Natural hot springs in the area and the differences in temperature during the hours of the night turned into day lead to the formation of a bed of pure white clouds on the mountain region for granted so magical sight.
Takes tourists in the early morning to the balcony located on the top of the mountain via cable car to enjoy watching the sunrise and take pictures of the top of a mountain and Hokkaido Hidaka who Ichterqan skyscrapers, and enjoy a cup of coffee or a refreshing bowl of soup.
In spite of that taxi crane expensive (about $ 20), but the balcony Ouncai worth every penny.
Open the balcony doors to tourists during the summer months until late September Preferably had on cloudy days, as dense fog formed in the top of the mountain gives spectacular views.
Visitors begin transfer via cable car at four o'clock in the morning until eight thirty in the morning, and this time do not bother tourists passionate to eat their breakfast above the clouds.
