The most beautiful ancient churches in the world

• Las Lajas Sanctuary in Colombia: Built at an altitude of a hundred meters from the valley of the River Guáitara. This church has become a site of pilgrimage after the Virgin Mary in the place appeared on the woman and her daughter deaf and dumb, a strong storm in the
middle of the eighteenth century. This church which is of Gothic style, built between 1916 and 1949. The bridge connects the other section of the valley.
• Borgnd Stave Churchu in Norway: deliberately Villagers in southern Norway Borgund to build a church of stone to resist the snow other than its predecessors. Workers put 2,000 pieces of wood in place, carved crosses on the interior walls, and splashed holy water. This church medieval, has been converted into a museum of the Society for the Preservation of Ancient Norwegian Monuments, which is considered among the 28 best Norwegian Church.

• Bethlehem Church in Iran: this can be found on the Armenian Apostolic dating back to the seventh century AD in Isfahan, the Iranian city of Sufi decorated buildings and monuments. The 72 panel decorate the church and include the Last Supper, and the expulsion from paradise. But is the dome of the most beautiful thanks to gold and windows that are embellished details and graphics. Isfahan is today home to 7,000 Armenians.

• Viscri Fortified Church in Romania: it is not a palace, the chapel became in the sixteenth century AD church. It is under siege since the twelfth century by seven meters from the forts. The inside of this empty church, where the dark colored wood and booths naked and narrow corridors. And classified Viscri Romanian villages with fortified churches on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is home to about 500 people.

 • Notre Dame du Haut chapel in France: This church was built in the east of France in the eighteenth century AD, when it was considered as a site of pilgrimage. This church has suffered at the beginning of the twentieth century from a lot of damage, the first of the fire, of the bombing during the Second Liberation in 1944. Le Corbusier was commissioned restoration of the chapel, ordained him a new blueprint, and he had a new fee builders in 1955.
